She is?

She is bored of you before you know it.
She tortures herself before she breaks your heart.
But she DOES break your heart.
She smiles to herself about the idiots surrounding her.
She makes dirty jokes out of the most inane things.
She will kill you before you say anything about her loved ones.
She feels like the scum of the Earth most days.
But she knows she’s capable of ruling it.
She lives to eat but is forever trying to diet.
She sabotages every surprise plan simply ’cause she hates surprises.
She curses like a truck driver.
She tries not to.
But she fails.
She hates people whom she has nothing to learn from.
She lives for melody, harmony and rhythm.
She is cynical, but she wishes she wasn’t.
She prefers being alone rather than ill-accompanied.
A book? A blind date? She chooses the book.
She hates life. But clings to it vociferously.
She can love people, but maintain her distance.
She never gets the hint.
She wishes she were different.
She hopes to stay the same.
She is.

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